Fighting Famine and Extreme Hunger

The Challenge

There is enough food in the world for everyone. But because of poor access and distribution, extreme weather and political instability, many don’t have enough to survive.  Even with all the progress the world has made in the past decades, people are suffering from famine in several countries in Eastern Africa.

The goal of the Presbyterian Hunger Program 2019 Campaign to Fight Famine and Extreme Hunger was to raise awareness of the situation and to solicit support for sustainable solutions to address food insecurity in Eastern Africa.

The Solution

Using predictive modeling, based on donor behavior, we identified an audience of mid-level donors who would be most likely to respond.  Each donor received a large-format prospectus package and a follow-up reminder package.


The Results

Giving from mid-level donors generated an average gift amount of $452.71 and a return-on-investment of 4.37.

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